Study on Rent-Setting and Rent-seeking from General Equilibrium Analysis's Perspective Rent-creating and Rent-seeking Behavior of Agent Construction Participant for Expressway 政府设租与企业寻租的一般均衡分析高速公路代建主体的设租和寻租行为研究
General equilibrium incidence analysis often employs a two-sector, two-factor model. 一般均衡归宿分析常用两部门、两要素模型。
Why do Commission Middlemen Exist? A General Equilibrium Analysis of Endogenous Division of Labor 为什么交易服务中间商存在?内生分工的一般均衡分析
General Equilibrium Analysis of Prices and Exchange Rate: An Explanation for Internal Devaluation and External Appreciation of RMB 物价和汇率的决定的一般均衡分析&对人民币内贬外升现象的解释
The general equilibrium analysis shows that though the cross elastics of every industry's output to electricity price are very low, the industries with more electricity consumption are more sensitive to the change of electricity price. 结果表明,各行业产出对电价的交叉弹性系数虽然很小,但耗电越多的行业对电价变化的反映越敏感。
Examining the theoretical model this paper proposes through analysis of the data using approaches of general equilibrium analysis, calculable general equilibrium model and comparative analysis. 采用一般均衡分析方法、可计算一般均衡模型方法、比较分析方法,通过对各样本国数据的检验分析,验证本研究提出的理论模型,进行模拟实验。
Thus, the only solution to this argument is to introduce the classic general equilibrium analysis of social relation. 因此,只有引入社会关系的古典一般均衡分析,才是解决争论的出路。
Serious modeling and general equilibrium analysis of dynamic comparative advantage made no progress until the full-fledging of new growth theories. The latter, characteristic of its dynamic analysis, provides analytical tools and methods for the dynamic modeling of new trade theories. 对动态比较优势的严格建模以及一般均衡分析直到新增长理论发展起来以来才有了进展,以动态分析为特征的新增长理论为新贸易理论建立动态模型提供了分析工具和方法。
A Research and Application of Decision Support System on Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Chinese Economy 中国经济可计算一般均衡分析决策支持系统的研究与应用
Based on this opinion, this article mainly analyzes the impact on employment ( labor demand) by partial and general equilibrium analysis of microeconomics as well as economic growth analysis of macroeconomics. 为此,本文采用局部均衡与一般均衡两种微观分析方法以及经济增长宏观分析方法分析课税对我国劳动就业的影响,为构建我国促进就业的税收政策提供了理论依据。
Macroeconomic Consequences of Population Ageing in China: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis 中国人口老龄化的宏观经济后果&应用一般均衡分析
On the basis of using two conceptions namely balanced budget incidence and different incidence, it analyses indirect tax incidence and also expounds partial equilibrium analysis and general equilibrium analysis of indirect tax incidence. 在用平衡预算归宿和差异性归宿这两个概念具体阐述间接税税收归宿的基础上,又对间接税税收归宿分析的两种常用方法,即局部均衡分析和一般均衡分析作了具体阐述。
China ′ s Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: An Aggregated General Equilibrium Analysis 中国均衡实际有效汇率:一个总量一般均衡分析
A General Equilibrium Analysis of China's Effluent Charge Reform 中国排污收费征收标准改革的一般均衡分析
General Equilibrium Analysis of Mergers and Acquisition in Oligopolistic Market 寡头垄断市场中企业兼并的一般均衡分析
General Equilibrium Analysis of Influence on China's Economy under CAFTA 中国&东盟自由贸易区对中国经济影响的一般均衡分析
The traditional location theory is based on general equilibrium analysis and seeks the best location for firms. It neglects the role of institution, technological innovation and economic policy. 传统的区位理论基于一般均衡分析方法为厂商寻找最佳区位,忽略了制度、技术创新以及经济政策方面的作用。
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Financial Market 金融市场的一般均衡分析方法
This paper developed the partial equilibrium analysis of generalized value theory into a general one, and briefly summarized the origin and development of the general equilibrium analysis. 将广义价值论的局部均衡分析发展为一般均衡分析,并简要概括了一般均衡分析的产生和发展过程。
A General Equilibrium Analysis on Impact Produced by WTO Entry to China's Automobile Industry WTO对中国汽车产业影响的一般均衡分析
In the modern period, economists discussed elementarily the dynamic incidence of land tax by general equilibrium analysis. 现代期则运用一般均衡分析方法对土地税的动态归宿问题进行了初步探讨。
The Macroeconomic Impacts of China's Import Tariff Reduction& A Computable General Equilibrium Model Analysis 我国进口关税减让的宏观经济效应&可计算一般均衡模型分析
The fourth section analyzes local balance effect and applies Harberger Model to the general equilibrium analysis of enterprise taxation. 第四节,从局部均衡效应分析入手,利用哈伯格模型扩展到企业税收的一般均衡分析。
Be up against above problems, we find a complemented means& the number adjustments. Therefore, the general equilibrium analysis theory is in the absence of a certain reality, relevance and effectiveness, while the equilibrium theory can compensate for these deficiencies. 所以,需要辅以数量调整这一手段。经济学一般均衡分析理论在对房地产市场的应用中缺乏一定现实性、针对性和有效性,而非均衡理论能弥补这些不足。
In addition to univariate analysis, the article also uses a multi-factor approach to empirical analysis of housing market in Shanghai, in partial equilibrium analysis based on a general equilibrium analysis to explore and try. 文章除了单因素分析还采用了多因素方法进行上海市住宅市场的实证分析,在局部均衡分析基础上进行了一般均衡分析的探索和尝试。
The CWSE-E model is the improvement and expansion of the CWSE model and TERM model, including the improving of water source node network diagram and the building the water sub-modules for regional general equilibrium model analysis. CWSE-E模型是基于CWSE模型和TERM模型的改进和拓展研究,包括改进水资源节点网络图和构建用于区域间一般均衡分析的水资源子模块。
At the same time, since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework, so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives. 与此同时,由于新经济地理学首次把运输成本纳入到一般均衡分析框架中,从而为FDI的区位选择研究提供了新的理论框架和研究视角。
Most of existing research uses the reduced form model to analyze, but the structural model and dynamic general equilibrium model analysis are very rarely. 对类似问题的研究有很多,但大多数研究用简化式模型加以分析,使用结构模型尤其是动态一般均衡模型的分析则很少。
This part introduces the bases and motivations of vertical specialization, and builds a general equilibrium analysis framework of two countries, two goods and two factors to analyze the changes of division of labor, trade and value added in the vertical specialization. 阐释了垂直专业化分工的基础和动因,并构建了一个两个国家、两种要素、两种商品的一般均衡分析框架,用以分析垂直专业化分工、贸易和附加值的变动。